So you've just bought a new iPad, and you want to know how to use it with all its apps and gadgets. Great! There is much to know, so consider the following helpful advice when it comes to getting started. You will be using it for everything in no time at all.
Are tired of having your iPad constantly ask you whether or not you wish to connect with detected WiFi network. This feature can be turned off under your settings. Select "Wi-Fi" check here and then turn off the notification option if you want them to disappear.
Your iPad will now support a VPN connection. You just need to configure it first. Start by going to your Settings menu. Look under General to find Network. Choose the VPN and switch that slider to On. You can then add the VPN configuration using your account details and server.
Here is a quick tip to finding text on a page with your iPad. When you are in Safari, type your search word into the Google box. This will give you a list of suggestions. Near the bottom of these suggestions you will see "on this page" and tap on it to show the word on the page you are viewing.
Performing multiple app updates at the same time can slow down your iPad and make it difficult to get anything done. You can alleviate this by pausing apps and forcing them to update one at a time instead of all at once. Tap the icon of the app that is updating to pause it. When one is finished, you can allow another one to finish updating.
The iPad does not come with a user manual, but sometimes it is useful to have one. If you're trying to figure out how to set a particular feature on your iPad, having the manual handy can help. To get a copy, simply visit the Apple website. There you will find a Pdf version that is easy to download.
Be careful with your iPad at the beach. Sand is a pretty dangerous thing for an iPad. Not only can it get caught in the little crevices of the device, it can also easily scratch your screen where few other things can. It's best to use a screen cover in these situations, or better yet, leave the iPad at home for your Click here! beach time.
Did you lose your iPad? If you use the Apple product iCloud, you will be able to located your iPad or your iPhone. Go to the iCloud website, log in and you will be able to locate your lost iPad or phone on a map. You can also access this feature on another iPad.
When checking out any new applications, don't overlook free options. Many times they are just as good as the paid version, although they may include advertisements. This is also a great way to have a type of trial before purchasing the full version that doesn't have any obtrusive ads on it.
The best case truly insures your iPad against damage. You should invest more than a few dollars in a strong, protective hard or soft case. A folio is another excellent choice as it protects both the screen and the iPad itself. $50-80 is a good estimate of the cost of a truly protective case, so don't cheap out!
Are you wanting to have more organization with Helpful hints your iPad? It is possible for you to decide which apps provide you notifications, with pop up alerts, etc. Simply navigate to Settings, and then Notifications. This will help ensure that those annoying apps you don't want popping up won't interfere with your organization.
If you ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation of a frozen iPad, don't worry. Apple built in a hidden reset function to the device. All you need to do is hold the home button while holding the power button. This will do a hard reset that should work even when frozen.
Tired of auto-correct rewriting your every word on iPad? Look for "keyboard" options under general settings and find the auto-correct feature. Simply select the off option and you won't be facing the hassle of having to spell perfectly or risk words and meanings changed, often times not for the better!
Do you find yourself using the same phrases over and over? If so, there is an easy way to create shortcuts for your most common phrases. Go to the Keyboard Settings of your iPad and click Add New Shortcut. Type your common phrase in the field named Phrase; then, simply add a shorthand version in the field named Shortcut. For example, if you use the sentence: How are you doing today? Type it in the box and use a shortcut such as haydt. Every time you type "haydt" the iPad will know to type out the complete sentence.
Is an app annoying you with notifications? In the Settings app, click on Notifications and you'll be able to turn off any obnoxious apps, ensuring they don't interrupt you in the future. You can set other options here as well, so it's a good idea to check out what each app allows for.
Are you interested in using your iPad to access files in a PDF format? Just send such files to your own email address, and the iPad will display them in its iBooks function. You can also sync your computer's PDFs and your iPad. There is a tab for books on your iTunes app.
Get a case or screen protector. If you use your iPad regularly, it is going Article source to show signs of wear and tear, particularly on the screen. To avoid more than is necessary, get a screen protector or a case so Continue reading that you can keep the screen free from scratches and damage.
Your iPad is going to be your friend when it comes to both entertainment and business. It can do so many different things, and it's time you started reaping the benefits. Make sure you continue to learn more information, as many more companies continue to cater to the iPad crowd daily.